ISO/GPS Drawings analysis
100 %
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(Average rating on all sessions in 2024)
Overall objectives
- Understand and master the exact meaning of all the GPS geometric and dimensional dimensioning elements shown on the definition drawings used by the organizing company and according to the latest versions of the ISO GPS dimensioning standards (all dimensional, geometric (shape, position, orientation, runout) and surface finish dimensioning elements, with or without the use of possible modifiers according to the latest ISO GPS standards in application).
Learning operational objectives
- Know how to read functionally dimensioned drawings ISO GPS standard:
- Take into account functional requirements, associated functions, the components involved and their functional surfaces.
- Identify the functional dimensioning references for each part.
- Identify and understand the functional dimensioning elements associated with each part.
- Precise definition of the tolerance zone and conformity criterion associated with each tolerance.
- Judge the conformity of parts based on their actual geometry.
- Master complex/new quotation cases based on the latest ISO GPS standards, including the following topics:
- ISO 8015 basic principles.
- What's new in dimensional dimensioning (ISO 14405-1,2,3).
- References and reference systems (ISO 5459) (New association criteria, modifiers, partial references, common references). [li]Geometric and shape specifications (ISO 1101, ISO 5458 : 2018, ISO 2692) (New modifiers for intersection, orientation, zones, new methods for specifying maxi and mini material...).
- Know how to read a plan with a critical eye on the relevance of functional dimensioning:
- Understand functional requirements and detect dimensioning elements that are not related to functional requirements or are missing in relation to functional requirements.
- Rapid analysis/criticism of dimension chains.
- Analysis/criticism of dimensioning frames of reference (stability, minimization of number of links in dimension chains).
- Analysis/criticism of physical inspection conditions (for deformable parts).
- Depending on the needs of the organizing company, master other complementary subjects:
- Identification of the most appropriate metrological means according to the specified tolerance and inspection frequency.
- Definition of a strategy to focus inspections primarily on rating elements with the greatest functional impact.
The "Pluses" of the training session
- Theoretical parts organized in a dynamic and interactive way (workshops in subgroups, quizzes, questions, etc.).
- Formation adaptée « sur mesure » pour l’entreprise organisatrice sur des exemples de plans qui lui sont propres ou qui proviennent de ses clients. Prise en compte des problématiques d'interprétation de cotation souhaitées par l'entreprise organisatrice.
- This training includes a 6-months period of post training support (email exchanges, webinars, phone, response time depending on the trainer’s availability).
Organization and resources
- For face-to-face training, the room must have a video projector as well as a flipchart and a whiteboard with coloured markers in working order.
- Each attendee receives a training manual in English as well as exercise and workshop files used during the session.
Evaluation mode
- Hot satisfaction questionnaire completed by each attendee at the end of the training.
- Cold evaluation questionnaire, to evaluate achievements realized after the training completed 3 months after training, by each attendee, with their hierarchy.
- Level assessment quizzes for each attendee at the beginning and the end of the training session.
Targeted audience
- Anyone whose work in the company requires them to read and interpret dimensioned drawings in ISO GPS language.
- Participants should have an experience of the products and manufacturing processes of the company organizing the training.
- At least 1 year professional experience in either production, project management, industrial engineering, quality, product design and engineering.
Trainer profile
- Holds master’s diploma from top tier engineering school (Centrale, INSA, Arts et Métiers, UTC). Equivalent to Master's degree in industrial engineering.
- 20 years' experience in mechanical design (mechanical calculations, ISO dimensioning, blueprint reading, 2D/3D tolerancing), value and functional analysis, FMEA, in an industrial environment.
Useful information
Available packages
- Face-to-face
- Online
- Intra-company
- Shared training
Accessibility policy
All our training courses are accessible to the disabled, people with reduced mobility, visually impaired and hard of hearing.
As part of our accessibility policy, we have set up a partnership with Atout-caP, to ensure that each participant receives appropriate support. Thanks to this partnership, we benefit from the expertise of an external disability referent, Amandine Pillot, who is systematically consulted to adapt our training courses to the specific needs of the learners concerned.
In order to offer you the best possible welcome, we ask you to inform us of any disability as soon as you register. This will give us the time we need to make the appropriate adjustments.
To find out more about Atout-caP, we invite you to visit their website: